Building the Graph

To construct a graph, create a graphbuilder.graph_builder instance:

import hoomd.htf as htf
graph = htf.graph_builder(NN, output_forces)

where NN is the maximum number of nearest neighbors to consider (can be 0). This is an upper-bound, so choose a large number. If you are unsure, you can guess and add check_nlist = True. This will cause the program to halt if you choose too low. output_forces indicates if the graph will output forces to use in the simulation. After building the graph, it will have five tensors as attributes that can be used when constructing the TensorFlow graph: nlist, positions, box, box_size, and forces:

  • nlist is an N x NN x 4 tensor containing the nearest neighbors. An entry of all zeros indicates that less than NN nearest neighbors where present for a particular particle. The 4 right-most dimensions are x,y,z and w, which is the particle type. Particle type is an integer starting at 0. Note that the x,y,z values are a vector originating at the particle and ending at its neighbor.
  • positions is an N x 4 tensor of particle positions (x,y,z) and type.
  • forces is an N x 4 tensor that is only available if the graph does not output forces (via output_forces=False).
  • box is a 3x3 tensor containing the low box coordinate, high box coordinate, and then tilt factors. box_size contains just the box length in each dimension.

Molecule Batching

It may be simpler to have positions or neighbor lists or forces arranged by molecule. For example, you may want to look at only a particular bond or subset of atoms in a molecule. To do this, you can call graphbuilder.graph_builder.build_mol_rep(), whose argument MN is the maximum number of atoms in a molecule. This will create the following new attributes: mol_positions, mol_nlist, and mol_forces (if your graph has output_forces=False). These new attributes are dimension M x MN x ... where M is the number of molecules and MN is the atom index within the molecule. If your molecule has fewer than MN atoms, extra entries will be zeros. You can defnie a molecule to be whatever you want, and atoms need not be only in one molecule. Here’s an example to compute a water angle, where we assume that the oxygens are the middle atom:

import hoomd.htf as htf
graph = graph_builder(0)
# want slice for all molecules (:)
# want h1 (0), o (1), h2(2)
# positions are x,y,z,w. We only want x,y z (:3)
v1 = graph.mol_positions[:, 2, :3] - graph.mol_positions[:, 1, :3]
v2 = graph.mol_positions[:, 0, :3] - graph.mol_positions[:, 1, :3]
# compute per-molecule dot product and divide by per molecule norm
c = tf.einsum('ij,ij->i', v1, v2) / tf.norm(v1, axis=1) / tf.norm(v2 axis=1)
angles = tf.math.acos(c)

Computing Forces

If your graph is outputting forces, you may either compute forces and pass them to or have them computed via automatic differentiation of a potential energy. Call graphbuilder.graph_builder.compute_forces() with the argument energy, which can be either a scalar or a tensor which depends on nlist and/or positions. A tensor of forces will be returned as \(\sum_i(\frac{-\partial E} {\partial n_i}) - \frac{dE} {dp}\), where the sum is over the neighbor list. For example, to compute a \(1 / r\) potential:

graph = htf.graph_builder(N - 1)
#remove w since we don't care about types
nlist = graph.nlist[:, :, :3]
#get r
r = tf.norm(nlist, axis=2)
#compute 1. / r while safely treating r = 0.
# halve due to full nlist
rij_energy = 0.5 * graph.safe_div(1, r)
#sum over neighbors
energy = tf.reduce_sum(rij_energy, axis=1)
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy)

Notice that in the above example that we have used the graphbuilder.graph_builder.safe_div() method, which allows us to safely treat a \(1 / 0\), which can arise because nlist contains 0s for when fewer than NN nearest neighbors are found.

Note: because nlist is a full neighbor list, you should divide by 2 if your energy is a sum of pairwise energies.

Neighbor lists

As mentioned above, graphbuilder.graph_builder contains a member called nlist, which is an N x NN x 4 neighobr list tensor. You can ask for masked versions of this with graphbuilder.graph_builder.masked_nlist() where type_i and type_j are optional integers that specify the type of the origin (type_i) or neighobr (type_j). The nlist argument allows you to pass in your own neighbor list and type_tensor allows you to specify your own list of types, if different than what is given by hoomd-blue. You can also access nlist_rinv which gives a pre-computed 1 / r (dimension N x NN).


The virial is computed and added to the graph if you use the graphbuilder.graph_builder.compute_forces() method and your energy has a non-zero derivative with respect to nlist. You may also explicitly pass the virial when saving, or pass None to remove the automatically-calculated virial.

Finalizing the Graph

To finalize and save your graph, you must call with the following arguments:

  • directory: where to save your TensorFlow model files
  • force_tensor (optional): your computed forces, either as computed by your graph or output from graphbuilder.graph_builder.compute_forces(). This should be an N x 4 tensor with the 4th column indicating per-particle potential energy.
  • virial (optional): the virial tensor to save. The virial should be an N x 3 x 3 tensor.
  • out_nodes (optional): If your graph is not outputting forces, then you must provide a tensor or list of tensors which will be computed at each timestep.

Saving Data

Using variables is the best way to save computed quantities while running a compute graph. See the Loading Variables section for loading them. You can save a tensor value to a variable using graphbuilder.graph_builder.save_tensor(). Here is an example of computing the LJ potential and saving the system energy at each step.

# set-up graph
graph = htf.graph_builder(NN)
# compute LJ potential
inv_r6 = graph.nlist_rinv**6
p_energy = 4.0 / 2.0 * (inv_r6 * inv_r6 - inv_r6)
energy = tf.reduce_sum(p_energy)
# save the tensor
graph.save_tensor(energy, 'lj-energy')
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy)
# save the graph, model_directory=directory)

Often you may want a running mean of a variable, for which there is a built-in, graphbuilder.graph_builder.running_mean():

# set-up graph to compute energy
# we name our variable avg-energy
graph.running_mean(energy, 'avg-energy')
# run the simulation

Variables and Restarts

In TensorFlow, variables are generally trainable parameters. They are required parts of your graph when doing learning. Each save_period (set as arg to tensorflowcompute.tfcompute.attach()), they are written to your model directory. Note that when a run is started, the latest values of your variables are loaded from your model directory. If you are starting a new run but you previously ran your model, the old variable values will be loaded. To prevent this unexpectedly loading old checkpoints, if you run, it will move out all old checkpoints. This behavior means that if you want to restart, you should not re-run in your restart script, nor should you pass move_previous = False as a parameter if you re-run

Variables are also how you save data as seen above. If you are doing training and also computing other variables, be sure to set your variables which you do not want to be affected by training optimization to be trainable=False when constructing them.

Loading Variables

You may load variables after the simulation using the following syntax:

variables  = htf.load_variables(model_dir, ['avg-energy'])

The utils.load_variables() is general and can be used to load trained, non-trained, or averaged variables. It is important to name your custom variables so they can be loaded using this function.

Period of out nodes

You can modify how often tensorflow is called via tensorflowcompute.tfcompute.attach(). You can also have more granular control of operations/tensors passed to out_nodes by changing the type to a list whose first element is the tensor and the second argument is the period at which it is computed. For example:

...graph building code...
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy)
avg_force = tf.reduce_mean(forces, axis=-1)
print_node = tf.Print(energy, [energy], summarize=1000), model_directory=name, out_nodes=[[print_node, 100], [avg_force, 25]])

This will print the energy every 100 steps and compute the average force every 25 steps (although it is unused). Note that these two ways of affecting period both apply. So if the above graph was attached with tfcompute.attach(..., period=25) then the print_node will be run only every 2500 steps.


If you would like to print out the values from nodes in your graph, you can add a print node to the out_nodes. For example:

...graph building code...
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy)
print_node = tf.Print(energy, [energy], summarize=1000), model_directory=name, out_nodes=[print_node])

The summarize keyword sets the maximum number of numbers to print. Be wary of printing thousands of numbers per step.

Optional: Keras Layers for Model Building

Currently HOOMD-TF supports Keras layers in model building. We do not yet support Keras Model.compile() or This example shows how to set up a neural network model using Keras layers.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import hoomd.htf as htf

NN = 64
N_hidden_nodes = 5
graph = htf.graph_builder(NN, output_forces=False)
r_inv = graph.nlist_rinv
input_tensor = tf.reshape(r_inv, shape=(-1,1), name='r_inv')
#we don't need to explicitly make a keras.Model object, just layers
input_layer = layers.Input(tensor=input_tensor)
hidden_layer = layers.Dense(N_hidden_nodes)(input_layer)
output_layer = layers.Dense(1, input_shape=(N_hidden_nodes,))(hidden_layer)
#do not call Model.compile, just use the output in the TensorFlow graph
nn_energies = tf.reshape(output_layer, [-1, NN])
calculated_energies = tf.reduce_sum(nn_energies, axis=1, name='calculated_energies')
calculated_forces = graph.compute_forces(calculated_energies)
#cost and optimizer must also be set through TensorFlow, not Keras
cost = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(calculated_forces, graph.forces)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(cost)
#save using, not Keras Model.compile'/tmp/keras_model/', out_nodes=[ optimizer])

The model can then be loaded and trained as normal. Note that is not currently supported. You must train using tensorflowcompute.tfcompute as explained in the next section.

Complete Examples

The directory htf/models contains some example scripts.

Lennard-Jones with 1 Particle Type

graph = hoomd.htf.graph_builder(NN)
#use convenience rinv
r_inv = graph.nlist_rinv
p_energy = 4.0 / 2.0 * (r_inv**12 - r_inv**6)
#sum over pairwise energy
energy = tf.reduce_sum(p_energy, axis=1)
forces = graph.compute_forces(energy), model_directory='/tmp/lj-model')